Distribution Data Inc.

Distribution Data Incorporated - Electronic Data

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a term that has been around since the early 1990's. It basically refers to the transmission of data between organizations in some structured electronic format.

In freight bill processing, EDI can be an effective, low-cost option to pay freight invoices. Plus, carrier EDI records usually contain much additional information that can be stored in a database, making EDI very cost effective. DDI currently provides EDI processing for over 70% of our total processed freight bill records. We interface in all standard EDI formats and can provide customized client transmission formats. We continually review opportunities to convert carriers to EDI and present these alternatives to our clients.

In addition to simply paying invoices via EDI, we have a very robust Bill of Lading Program that features match pay, order rating for accrual purposes, basic and deluxe reporting, etc. Customers use our program to run profit/loss margins on freight expenses, compare actual freight costs to customer invoiced amounts, and for other information management needs. How many times does your company create an order that never gets invoiced by the carrier? Our Bill of Lading Program provides an accurate accounting of all your orders that can be electronically transmitted to you on a weekly, monthly, or other periodic basis. Plus, if we have your freight rates, you can receive extremely accurate freight accrual information.

Distribution Data Incorporated manages the conversion and implementation issues to make it a smooth transition to this very efficient and low cost system.